Do I have to be delinquent on my accounts to file for Bankruptcy?
There is a misconception that you have to be behind on your bills in order to file for bankruptcy. You do not. One might ask, “Why would a person declare bankruptcy if they are...
There is a misconception that you have to be behind on your bills in order to file for bankruptcy. You do not. One might ask, “Why would a person declare bankruptcy if they are...
Listen to money-themed songs and get free financial advice!
A radio show with a twist! Money-themed songs and financial advice.
There are two BIG misconceptions that I hear about debt and bankruptcy on a regular basis. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, proceed immediately to jail… One is the belief that if...
Consolidating Debt / Consumer Proposals / Credit Counselling Services / Dealing with Debt / Get Out of Debt / Orderly Payment of Debts / The "B" Word - Bankruptcy
Asking for personal help has to be one of the most difficult things to do. Whether it’s for relationship advice, parenting advice or financial advice, nobody wants to admit they can’t go it alone....
This was a question that I was asked recently. I thought it was interesting and it caused me to reflect on my experience in the Insolvency industry. The gentleman I was meeting with wanted...
What comes to mind when you hear the word “Consolidation”? Do you envision all of your debts being ‘paid off’ leaving you with the manageable obligation of one monthly payment? If so, you are thinking about a “Consolidation Loan”. A financial institution loans you money by paying off your debt and you pay them back. With interest, of course. Nowadays, the word “consolidation” is being used in a much more liberal term
I know…it seems wrong doesn’t it? You are in a state of having to consider filing for bankruptcy and you find out that you have to pay. Often I get asked, “How can someone pay you if they are bankrupt?”. More often than not, the amount you are required to pay into your bankruptcy, is a manageable payment considering what you are required to pay to maintain your current debt (let alone pay it off). This simple Bankruptcy Payment Calculator will help you estimate what that payment might be.
Wonderful, accessible, way-too-easy-to-get, way-too-had-to-pay-off, credit.
It makes the world go around and sometimes makes our head spin. It can be our best friend or our worst enemy. Using it gives you a temporary high. Owing it gives you a log-lasting headache.
Where am I going with this you ask? I shall tell you.