I’d like to Buy Some Income Please
Is anyone really happy with the amount of income they’re making? I think we all feel that we deserve to have more, we deserve to spend more, we deserve to have less stress worrying...
Budgeting & Money Management / Credit Relationships / Dealing with Debt / Get Out of Debt / Spending Patterns
Is anyone really happy with the amount of income they’re making? I think we all feel that we deserve to have more, we deserve to spend more, we deserve to have less stress worrying...
We are all one or two events away from bankruptcy – meaning all it takes is one or two major events to turn our financial world upside down. The reason is simple. We live too close to, or above, our means. As a result our credit is maxed out, our savings minimal, or worse, non-existent, and we have absolutely no breathing room.
Seriously, why do you have more than one credit card? The likely answer is (although I’m sure many won’t admit it) “so I can spend more money than I earn”. The intentions might be good (buy necessities, pay for the kids sports, buy gifts) but the results are the same (if you consistently spend more than you earn, you will eventually hit a financial brick wall, and your finances will crash). This might mean something as drastic as losing a home or something less severe like paying for a decade or more for living above your means for a few years.