Common sense approach “Trumped” by Snake-oil Salesman
I’m not much for following politics. I mean, I care, but I don’t get wrapped up in it. I don’t see the point. I’m the eternal optimist, always looking at the sunny side, and,...
I’m not much for following politics. I mean, I care, but I don’t get wrapped up in it. I don’t see the point. I’m the eternal optimist, always looking at the sunny side, and,...
I get this call at least once every few weeks. It’s something I try to warn against. There is a definitive risk to having all of your eggs in one basket when it comes...
Wow! We are so hard on ourselves aren’t we? We think we are supposed to get it all right the first time. Relationships! Careers! Finances! Now, tell me, where in the owners manual of...
In today’s age of consumerism it is arguably easy to live beyond your means. Every time you turn around you face some type of advertising message telling you that you can have more, spend...
Oh that dreaded word, budgeting! It’s one of those words that brings up uncomfortable feelings such as lack, restriction, doing without. It’s incredible the power one little word has. In addition, we have visions...
Well, there were so many myths to bust, that I had to break this post into two..just goes to show you what a confusing topic it is! If you missed it, you can start...
It seems that more and more these days the topic of retirement is coming up. Likely has something to do with my age ;). Weekly an article pops up in the news or my...
Consolidating Debt / Consumer Proposals / Credit Counselling Services / Dealing with Debt / Get Out of Debt / Orderly Payment of Debts / The "B" Word - Bankruptcy
Asking for personal help has to be one of the most difficult things to do. Whether it’s for relationship advice, parenting advice or financial advice, nobody wants to admit they can’t go it alone....
I was listening to a speaker on Kids and Money recently, they talked about teaching kids to separate their money into different jars. The basics are savings, spending (both short and long-term savings goals)...
This was a question that I was asked recently. I thought it was interesting and it caused me to reflect on my experience in the Insolvency industry. The gentleman I was meeting with wanted...