The lighter side of Bankruptcy
I’m starting this blog with a little joke that found it’s way to me in my inbox. And it goes like this… A businessman was in a great deal of trouble. His business was...
I’m starting this blog with a little joke that found it’s way to me in my inbox. And it goes like this… A businessman was in a great deal of trouble. His business was...
Oh the joys and costs of juggling kids during summer vacation. They want to be home and then are bored by the lack of new scenery. Deciding whether to keep them home, pawn the off on family and friends, put them in daycamp, or let them tag along while you work, can be a daunting task. Read on to find out how one little boy and his stressed out Mum learned a valuable lesson one frantic morning.
In what instances should you have more than one credit card. Read the entire blog to find out.
I had an interesting conversation with a representative from a Debt Consolidation Company. Perhaps my insight can save a financially struggling consumer a few hard-earned bucks.
If your credit card could talk, what would it say? Oh wait! It can! Haven’t you heard it on the radio? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, the government recently announced,...
Its true! Just because we help people find solutions to their financial woes, doesn’t mean we don’t have our own.
I’m sure fitness instructors sometimes have lazy periods, Investment advisors have lost money and great chefs order pizzas. The point is, we are all human and we all make less-than-perfect choices once in awhile. In fact, it is our very mistakes that help us help you. As other has been heard saying, “do as I say. Not as I do”.
So often, people come to me, embarrassed and ashamed that they are facing bankruptcy, or a similar compromise of debt. They feel that they have failed. They are hard on themselves in a way that is not productive. I created this pep talk in an effort to help them through this cross road in their life. Feel free to share this with anyone who you feel would benefit from it.
The method that works best depends on who is on the other end of the line, their personality/style and maybe on the success or failure of the call before you. Some agents are understanding and sympathetic. Others, well, not so much. They have an agenda and will not waiver from it. The following are some “tips” to help you take some of the stress of these conversations.
What comes to mind when you hear the word “Consolidation”? Do you envision all of your debts being ‘paid off’ leaving you with the manageable obligation of one monthly payment? If so, you are thinking about a “Consolidation Loan”. A financial institution loans you money by paying off your debt and you pay them back. With interest, of course. Nowadays, the word “consolidation” is being used in a much more liberal term
(Blog submitted by 3rd party) / Author: Robin Williams [Please note that the poster does not offer any recommendation for sites linked to these articles and cautions readers to use good judgement in contacting...