Where oh where is Dr. Debt these days?
Wow! I really suck at Blogging lately!! I bet you all thought I forgot about you. Or fell off the face of the earth! Nope! I’m still here and I haven’t forgotten about you,...
Wow! I really suck at Blogging lately!! I bet you all thought I forgot about you. Or fell off the face of the earth! Nope! I’m still here and I haven’t forgotten about you,...
Well, I had the most wonderful conversation with the Mortgage Jeannie – Jeannie McCulloch – on buying a home in today’s market. As we know, the housing industry in the Maritimes (and beyond) is...
Happy LOVE Day! Fair warning, I’m going to get bit woo woo here 😊 Let’s talk about your relationship with money. This is a good year to do that. Why? Because we are in...
I recently received an email from a friend and fellow financial wellness expert on how to boost your financial wellness and lower your money stress. I loved these 5 tips so I asked her...
I’m so glad you asked 🙂 This week, on Money Matters with Mary Ann, I kicked off the year with an Oracle message and asked for a general message for us all moving from...
One thing most of the calls I receive have in common is that the caller has been receiving calls from collection agents. I’ve heard some pretty disturbing accounts of some of the tactics used....
In my role as Licensed Insolvency Trustee, I get asked this question all the time! There is no “one size fits all answer”. The answer is, like most things in our industry, “It depends”....
This is an in depth look at the last set of 3 stones in the New Year. New You. New Finances ~ “Your 2021 Financial Forecast” blog post. Related Post: Financial Runes – Stones...
This is an in depth look at the last set of 3 stones in the New Year. New You. New Finances ~ “Your 2021 Financial Forecast” blog post. Related Post: Financial Runes – Stones...
This is an in depth look at the second 3 stones in the New Year. New You. New Finances ~ “Your 2021 Financial Forecast” blog post. Related Post: Financial Runes – Stones 1, 2...