Happy New Year! – what’s in the cards for you, financially, for 2022?
I’m so glad you asked 🙂
This week, on Money Matters with Mary Ann, I kicked off the year with an Oracle message and asked for a general message for us all moving from 2021 to 2022.
I did a past- present – future reading to give us a sense of flow as we move from the past year into this year.
Past ~ Treasure Island
The message of this card is this …
You’ve worked hard and acted upon your unwavering belief in abundance, and suddenly, in the midst of it all, you hit the jackpot. You have uncovered the map to buried treasure and tapped the unlimited potential within you.
Now is the time to recognize when X marks the spot, because some of these golden opportunities may be obvious, but others may not be so readily apparent.
Trust your intuition to light your way now as you enter this truly prosperous phase, where all the long, hard work navigating your inner life is now paying off and watch it multiply like magic.
Lets break this down and apply it to a financial message…
Last year was a year of reflection and introspection. Things slowed down and we had more time to do just that. In some ways, it became a simpler time with more space as things slowed down. There was less discretionary spending as restaurants, movie theaters and airlines shut down. In essence, we had more time to look at the basics of our finances. This was a time to reflect and ask what you learned in that last year, what you discovered. And then, keep what served you and discard what didn’t.
Present ~ Why
The middle card, or pivotal card, is the “Why” card.
The Why card invites you to understand your motives. Knowing your why is the key to fulfillment. Be clear about your intention and allow it to be a magnet for miracles. When you think about something, feel it and then act on it.
The invisible “why” is the life force energy within the seed which brings it to life and holds the potential for growth.
I think this is pretty self explanatory but let’s expand the message a bit more.
Be clear on what you want and why. Forget goals on paper, go for goals in the heart. What I mean by that is simply writing what you want on papers isn’t enough. You need to really feel into the goal and the reason it is so important to you.
For example, let’s say one of your goals is to have an emergency fund. Why do you want an emergency fund?
The initial response is likely something like “so I can handle unexpected expense when they come up”.
But I invite you to go deeper.
Why is that important to you?
It’s likely important to you because it will give you peace of mind. Great. That’s the feeling attached to the goal. Feel into that. What does that feel like. It feels like you have more space, right? It feels like you are a bit lighter. It feels like you can focus on something other than worry and stress.
That’s an example of digging deeper into the why of a goal.
Future – Imagine (reversed)
The third card is the Imagine card (in protection mode). The fact that it is in protection mode tells me this is going to be a point of struggle for some, a place to go deeper and learn more about yourself and how you handle specific challenges.
The Imagine card’s message is this …
Illusions and wishful thinking rooted in lack have entered your life. See things as they truly are and not as you hoped or imagined them to be. Release any fear. Envision anew. Be aware of catastrophizing – anticipating something fearful might happen and re-creating that image, or disaster, over and over in your mind.
Clear the inner slate and stay grounded. Stay real. Only then can you truly have what you desire.
Here’s how I interpret that card…
Be aware of what comes up to be released. When this ‘stuff’ comes up, it will cause some initial discomfort or pain. Don’t stay stuck in it. The purpose is to shift it from pain, to purpose to passion. First you need to see it, and then you need to release it. Release it with love. Recognize what it is there to show you something, teach you something, and help you move through it.
Release old habits, old beliefs and old desires. Out with the old and in with the new!
Let’s pull this all together as your message for finance sin 2022.
Reflect on 2021. Look at what worked well and what didn’t. What did you learn? What do you want to bring into 2022 and what to you want to let go of? If you have a great money management system keep it. If you don’t, then figure out what needs fine-tuning. Did you use credit responsibly? Great, Keep doing that. Was that a challenge for you? Change your usage habits this year.
Take some time and focus on what you want, make a list of goals, ask yourself why they are goals, go deep. Find the lowest common denominator for each one. You will find a common tread – words, emotions or feelings. Make a list of those “feelings” and spend some time there. Envision what you want for yourself and create an energy bubble around it. Revisit it regularly.
And finally, pay attention to how you respond to that throughout the year. Recognize when fear, doubt and anger come in. See when you fall into that old pattern of anticipating the worst. Reframe the situation, go back to your why, back to that feeling, imagine how your want your finances to be and bring that energy into 2022.
And with that, I wish you all … happy healthy finances for 2022.
Until my next post…
Wishing you all happy, healthy finances.
Mary Ann
aka Dr Debt
Disclaimer: this information is for general purposes only. Every situation is different. If you want to get the best advice possible, you would want to have a personal consultation to receive the advice that is most relevant in your situation.