New Year. New You. New Finances ~ “Your 2021 Financial Forecast”
10 easy things you can do TODAY to start the New Year off on the right foot financially! In my quest to come up with some ideas on what you can focus on...
10 easy things you can do TODAY to start the New Year off on the right foot financially! In my quest to come up with some ideas on what you can focus on...
In Part 1 of this post we talked about the importance of an Occasional Expense Account and the initial set up. If you missed that post, you can find it here: Part 1 of...
If there is one missing piece I have seen in the process of creating a budget or spending plan, it is planning for those irregular expenses. We all know what an emergency fund is...
… unless their chores are done I guess. Oh, wait, that’s not the way the old saying goes. But it is an accurate description of the Gimi allowance app – a wonderful little gem...
I recently pulled the Abundance Card from my Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck. It’s a card with a story about Money. And it goes like this: Inside a magical treasure chest, gold coins swap stories....
Let’s face it, there are many good reasons to have an emergency fund. I am going to focus on the top 3. Emergency funds break your dependency on credit! We treat credit as our...
I know it is just under a week to Christmas Day and these tips may seem to be a bit late, but for anyone doing last-minute shopping, there is something here for you too!...
If you have been following me on social media then you likely know that I am a BIG fan of tracking your expenses. There are so many benefits and only one disadvantage. The disadvantage:...
There is a misconception that you have to be behind on your bills in order to file for bankruptcy. You do not. One might ask, “Why would a person declare bankruptcy if they are...
CTV recently posted an article about Debt to Income Ratios citing that household debt grew faster than income. In addition, Statistics Canada recently released stats stating that not knowing your debt-to-income ratio could come with consequences...